Which is better, no location found or location not available?

There is a difference between no location found or location not available – when someone’s location is trying to be located using GPS, Find my Friends or iMessage will say that their location isn’t available if there are too many trees or tall buildings in the way.

How location not available and no location are found different?

No location found

If you’re ever lost and trying to find your way back home, it’s better to see the no location found message on your GPS than location not available. The latter usually means that your GPS isn’t working properly, while the former just means you haven’t reached your destination yet.

Location not available

If you’re trying to find a location and you see the message location not available it can be frustrating. There might be a better option out there. After all, how can a location not be available?
The answer is that no location found or location not available are both pretty accurate messages. They just convey different levels of information. No location found means that the system couldn’t find any results for your query. Location not available means that the system found a result, but it’s not able to show the location on the map.

So which message is better? If you need more specific information, then no location found is probably the better option. But if you’re just looking for a general idea of where something is, then location not available is probably fine.

Who does this affect?

If you’ve ever gotten the no location found or location not available error when trying to use your GPS, you’re not alone. This error can be frustrating, especially if you’re in hurry or trying to get to a specific place. But what does this error actually mean? And more importantly, who does it affect?

GPS errors can occur for a variety of reasons. Sometimes, it’s simply because there aren’t enough satellites in view to provide an accurate reading. This can happen if you’re indoors, near tall buildings, or in a remote location. Other times, the problem might be with your GPS device itself. If you’re using an older model, it might not be able to pick up a signal as well as newer models. Or there could be something interfering with the signal, like trees or power lines.

Interestingly, the no location found or location not available error doesn’t just affect GPS devices. It can also affect other types of technology that rely on satellite signals, like weather apps and satellite radio. So if you’re ever curious about why your favorite app isn’t working, this might be the reason.

How does this affect people?

If you’ve ever searched for a location on your phone and been told that the location couldn’t be found, you know how frustrating it can be. Whether the message says no location found or location not available, it’s still a bummer. But which message is better?

It turns out; it might not make much of a difference to the user. A study by researchers at Northwestern University found that people responded equally well to both messages. In other words, getting a “no location found” message didn’t cause any more frustration than getting a location not available message.

So if you’re wondering whether to use no location found or location not available in your app, don’t sweat it too much. Either one should be just fine.

Why are people’s locations different from what they say they are?

people’s locations different

Maybe the person is deliberately lying about their location, or maybe their GPS is malfunctioning. In some cases, people might have their location services turned off, or they might be in an area with weak GPS signal. Whatever the reason, it can be frustrating when you’re trying to meet up with someone and they’re not where they say they are.

Location accuracy compared to GPS

There are a number of different ways to determine location, each with its own advantages and disadvantages. Two of the most common methods are GPS and no location found or location not available. So, which is better?

GPS is more accurate than no location found or location not available. GPS is also more reliable; if there is a clear view of the sky, it will work almost anywhere in the world. No location found or location not available, on the other hand, can be affected by things like buildings or trees, and may not work at all in some areas.

However, no location found or location not available has one big advantage over GPS: it doesn’t require a clear view of the sky. This means that it can be used indoors, in tunnels, or in other places where GPS signals can’t reach. It’s also less expensive than GPS, and doesn’t require a data connection.

What does ‘No location found’ mean?

If you’ve ever used a GPS or maps app, you’ve probably come across the terms no location found or  location not available. But what do they mean?

No location found means that the GPS or maps app was unable to find your current location. This can be due to several factors, such as poor satellite reception, being in a remote location, or being indoors.

Location not available means that the GPS or maps app was able to find your general location, but not your exact location. This is usually due to buildings or other obstructions blocking the satellite signal.

So, which is better? No location found or location not available?

It depends on your needs. If you need an exact location, then location not available is better because at least you have a general idea of where you are. However, if you just need a general sense of direction, then no location found is fine.

Can the GPS signal be blocked?

There are a couple different types of GPS signals, and each has its own set of benefits and drawbacks. The most common type of GPS signal is the one that is used by your phone or car stereo. This signal is usually very accurate, but it can be blocked by buildings or other objects. If you’re in an urban area, your GPS signal might not be as accurate as it could be.

The other type of GPS signal is the one used by the military. This signal is much more accurate, but it can be jammed by enemy forces. If you’re in a war zone, your GPS signal might not be as reliable as you would like.

What is the solution for no location found?

There are a couple of things you can do if you’re getting the no location found error when trying to use your GPS. First, make sure that you have a clear view of the sky and that there are no tall buildings or other obstructions blocking your view. If you’re still having trouble, try restarting your GPS device or moving to a different location.

Why is location not available an issue?

If you’re using an app that relies on your location, such as a mapping or navigation app, you may occasionally see the Location not available error. This error means that the app is unable to determine your current location.

Several factors can cause this error:

-Your device may be having trouble getting a GPS signal. If you’re indoors or in an area with tall buildings or trees, your device may have difficulty getting a satellite signal.

-You may have location services turned off for the app. To check if this is the case, go to your device’s settings and make sure location services are enabled for the app in question.

-There may be an issue with the app itself. If you’re seeing the Location not available error consistently, try reinstalling the app or contacting the app’s developer for help.

How to fix location not available

If you’re getting the location not available error when trying to use your GPS, don’t worry – there’s an easy fix! Just follow these steps:

  1. Go to Settings > Location.
  2. Make sure Location is turned on.
  3. If it is, tap on Mode and switch it from High Accuracy to Device Only.
  4. Exit out of Settings and try using your GPS again.

In case that doesn’t work, here are a few other ideas:

  1. Restart your device.
  2. Make sure you have a clear view of the sky (GPS signals can be weak indoors or if there are tall buildings or trees blocking the sky).
  3. Check for any software updates and install them if available.


There is no definitive answer as to whether no location found or location not available is better. It really depends on the situation and what you are trying to achieve. In general, no location found may be more accurate, but location not available may be more user-friendly.